

Made for 7DRL 2022, utilizing PDCurses. Really weird and complex control system for wrestling your opponent. I had a lot of fun making this and am still a bit proud of it. Released March 13th, 2022.

Initial game screen will be blank press any key to fix that
Goal is to win 10 matches in a row to win championship match of tournament
3 different position metrics
-Mat Position: On Mat, In Air
-Space Position: Forward, Back
-Facing: Down, Up
Win by putting your enemy's back in the position, On Mat Down (Space Position doesn't matter here)
Use the different actions to do this
Grab a limb and commit any of 8 actions
As well 3 non-grab related actions
12 limbs
Some limbs when moved will move others
Some limbs can't be moved without other limbs in certain positions
Can resist enemy movements with resist action
Can hold limbs in a position with hold action
Other actions are pretty self explanatory
Grabbing multiple limbs will increase your chance of success as the enemy will have too much to focus on
As well between matches you get to increase the power of your limbs

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