In the Belly of the Beast

In the Belly of the Beast

Made this for Bullet Hell Jam 2022, using SDL2. Gameplay is based around shooting through enemys to hit weakspots. Probably my best game jam game, still not amazing. I am a bit proud for the systems made within the timeframe since everything was written from scratch mostly.

You are a fish swallowed by one of the great fish behemoths swimming your lake. Now you must fight your way to his vital organs and kill him to escape.
Avoid bullets as the level changes around you. Collect the guts from the other fish for more score
*Normal Mode
*Hardcore Mode
*Endless Mode
Game only has one level
How to Play
Shoot red spots on enemy to kill them You start with 5 lives and can take three hits before losing one Use shift to toggle fast move speed(harder to accurately line up shots) Arrow keys to move Z to shoot

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